


Technology has made so many things in life easier, and learning is no exception.科技使生活中的許多事情變得更加輕鬆,學習也不例外。 There are hundreds of educational apps out there that can help you in nearly every facet of your academic life.有數百種教育應用程序可以在您的學術生活的幾乎所有方面為您提供幫助。 

Separating the good apps from the bad apps, however, is a difficult and time-consuming task.但是,將好應用程序與壞應用程序分開是一項困難且耗時的任務。 So, to save you the hassle, we've studied many of the educational apps on the market and narrowed down the best and most simple-to-use.因此,為了省去您的麻煩,我們研究了市場上的許多教育應用,並縮小了最佳和最簡單易用的範圍。




Khan Academy  

Think of the Khan Academy app as a personal tutor in your pocket.將Khan Academy應用程序想像成口袋裡的私人家教。 The free app is extremely user-friendly and offers thousands of interactive exercises, videos, and articles to help you study math, science, economics, finance, grammar, history, government, and much more.這個免費的應用程序非常易於使用,並提供數千種互動練習,視頻和文章,可幫助您學習數學,科學,經濟學,金融,語法,歷史,政府等。 

You can manually select which lessons you want to learn or set up a profile to personalize your learning.您可以手動選擇要學習的課程或設置個人資料以個性化您的學習。 The video lessons are displayed on a virtual chalkboard, mimicking a real classroom setting.視頻課程顯示在虛擬黑板上,模仿真實的教室環境。 The videos can be streamed online or downloaded for offline viewing.視頻可以在線流式傳輸或下載以供離線觀看。 

該應用程序還具有針對標準測試的廣泛,個性化的準備,例如 週六, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT,NCLEX-RX和 AP考試

  • 價錢: 免費下載
  • 可用的位置: iOS和Android
  • 年齡範圍: K-12等級


Used by more than 50 million students each month, Quizlet is best known for its virtual flashcards.每個月有超過XNUMX萬學生在使用Quizlet,其虛擬抽認卡最為出名。 No matter the subject, you can pick from millions of flashcards already available on the app, or you can create your own flashcards and share them with study partners.無論主題是什麼,您都可以從應用程序上已有的數百萬個抽認卡中進行選擇,也可以創建自己的抽認卡並與研究合作夥伴共享。 

Although flashcards are a bit of an antiquated way of studying, Quizlet has modernized and gamified the technique.儘管抽認卡是一種過時的學習方法,但Quizlet對該技術進行了現代化和遊戲化。 You can test your memory skills by flipping flashcards as usual.您可以照常翻轉記憶卡來測試自己的記憶能力。 Or, you can push yourself by exploring the “write,” “match,” and “test” functions available in the app.或者,您可以通過探索應用程序中可用的“寫入”,“匹配”和“測試”功能來推動自己。 

Users also have the option to upgrade to Quizlet Go or Quizlet Plus.用戶還可以選擇升級到Quizlet Go或Quizlet Plus。 With Quizlet Go, you'll be able to use the app offline and not have to see any ads.使用Quizlet Go,您可以離線使用該應用程序,而無需查看任何廣告。 With Quizlet Plus, you'll be able to track your progress, include recorded audio and images, scan in documents and much more.使用Quizlet Plus,您將能夠跟踪進度,包括錄製的音頻和圖像,在文檔中進行掃描等等。 

  • 價錢: 免費下載(選擇以每月2.99美元的價格升級到Quizlet Go或以每月3.99美元的價格升級到Quizlet Plus)
  • 可用的位置: iOS和Android
  • 年齡範圍: 6年級以上


The test prep company Magoosh offers both an ACT Flashcards app and an SAT Flashcards app.考試準備公司Magoosh同時提供ACT抽認卡應用程序和SAT抽認卡應用程序。 The apps were created and designed by admissions test experts and are regularly updated to reflect the latest content on the這些應用是由招生考試專家創建和設計的,並會定期更新以反映網站上的最新內容。 ACT週六

The flashcards will test your knowledge of key vocabulary words and math concepts.抽認卡將測試您對關鍵詞彙和數學概念的了解。 The apps use an algorithm that removes terms and concepts once you've mastered them so that you can only focus on what you don't know.這些應用程序使用的算法會在您精通術語和概念後將其刪除,因此您只能專注於您不知道的內容。 These apps should not be the only resource you use for admissions test prep, but they can greatly supplement your study efforts.這些應用程序不應成為您用於入學考試準備的唯一資源,但它們可以極大地補充您的學習工作。 

  • 價錢: 免費下載
  • 可用的位置: iOS和Android
  • 年齡範圍: 等級9-12



Slader在中學,高中和大學中使用最流行的教科書中,提供了數百萬種逐步解決作業問題的解決方案。 The app is simple and easy to navigate.該應用程序簡單易用。 After downloading the app, all you have to do is scan the barcode of your textbooks or look them up in the search bar.下載該應用程序後,您只需掃描教科書的條形碼或在搜索欄中查找它們即可。 From there, you can access answers to all of the problems presented in each of your textbooks and check out information on how to solve them.從那裡,您可以訪問每本教科書中提出的所有問題的答案,並查看有關解決方法的信息。 

Slader的常規高中選項是完全免費的。 However, the app also offers multiple paid options, including a High School Plus option and a College Plus option, both of which eliminate the ads and provide students with one-sheeters.但是,該應用程序還提供多種付費選項,包括“高中加”選項和“大學加”選項,這兩個選項都消除了廣告,並為學生提供了單張紙。 

  • 價錢: 免費下載(可選擇以每月4美元的價格升級到Slader High School Plus或以每月8美元的價格升級到College Plus)
  • 可用的位置: iOS和Android
  • 年齡範圍: 6年級以上


WolframAlfa使用算法,知識庫和AI技術來回答幾乎您可能想到的任何問題。 It doesn't matter if you're seeking the answer to a question about math, physics, history, nutrition, finances, or practically anything else, WolframAlpha will answer it and provide you with detailed information on how it reached the answer.無論您是要尋找關於數學,物理學,歷史,營養,財務或幾乎其他任何問題的答案都無所謂,WolframAlpha會回答它並為您提供有關如何達到答案的詳細信息。 

  • 價錢: $ 2.99下載
  • 可用的位置: iOS和Android
  • 年齡範圍: 6年級以上


If you need some extra help in math, look no further than Photomath.如果您在數學上需要其他幫助,那就不要錯過Photomath。 The easy-to-use app is exactly what it sounds like.易於使用的應用正是它的聲音。 You take a picture of handwritten or printed questions that you're struggling to answer.您為難以回答的手寫或打印問題拍照。 The app then teaches you how to solve the questions with detailed, step-by-step instructions.然後,該應用程序會教您如何使用詳細的分步說明來解決問題。 

The app is free to download and works without the internet.該應用程序是免費下載的,無需互聯網即可使用。 However, if you want to upgrade to Photomath Plus, you'll gain access to an ad-free experience, AI tutorials that help you visualize each step and definitions that help you learn the “how” and “why” behind answers.但是,如果您想升級到Photomath Plus,您將獲得無廣告的體驗,可幫助您可視化每個步驟的AI教程和定義,以幫助您了解答案的“方式”和“原因”。 

  • 價錢: 免費下載(可選擇以每月2.99美元以上的價格升級到Photomath Plus)
  • 可用的位置: iOS和Android
  • 年齡範圍: 6年級以上


Created by the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Periodic Table app is much more than a list of elements.元素週期表應用程序由英國皇家化學學會創建,不僅僅包含元素列表。 By clicking on each element, you can access all types of information.通過單擊每個元素,您可以訪問所有類型的信息。 There are even videos and podcasts available that feature experiments with the elements.甚至還提供帶有元素實驗的視頻和播客。 

The app routinely updates to sync the latest periodic table data available.該應用程序會定期更新以同步最新的可用周期表數據。 This may sound like information overload, but the app is actually quite easy to use.這聽起來像信息過載,但該應用程序實際上非常易於使用。 The information it provides will benefit anyone from a middle schooler to an AP chemistry student.它提供的信息將使從中學生到AP化學學生的所有人受益。 

  • 價錢: 免費下載
  • 可用的位置: iOS和Android
  • 年齡範圍: 8年級以上


GradeProof使用AI系統檢查您的語法,單詞選擇,短語結構,原創性等。 GradeProof的使命是提高您的寫作質量。 Unlike autocorrect, GradeProof doesn't edit your writing for you.與自動更正不同,GradeProof不會為您編輯作品。 It simply offers suggestions.它只是提供建議。 

While the app's normal functions are free, you can opt to upgrade to GradeProof Premium for $9.99 a month.雖然該應用的正常功能是免費的,但您可以選擇以每月XNUMX美元的價格升級到GradeProof Premium。 With GradeProof Premium, you'll gain access to a more advanced grammar and originality checker, among other things.使用GradeProof Premium,您將可以使用更高級的語法和獨創性檢查器。 

  • 價錢: 免費下載(可以選擇升級到GradeProof Premium,每月只需$ 9.99)
  • 可用的位置: iOS和Android
  • 年齡範圍: 6年級以上


Your days of dreading creating bibliographies may be over.令人恐懼的創建書目的時代可能已經過去。 This handy app makes citing any and all of your sources nearly effortless.這個便捷的應用程序幾乎可以輕鬆地引用您的所有資源。 

To cite books, the app uses your phone's camera to scan a book's barcode and create a citation in APA, Chicago, Vancouver, or whatever other formatting styles you may need.要引用書籍,該應用程序使用手機的相機掃描書籍的條形碼,並以APA,芝加哥,溫哥華或您可能需要的任何其他格式樣式創建引用。 If you need to cite a website, podcast, video, online journal, and more, all you need to do is input the URL.如果您需要引用網站,播客,視頻,在線日記等,則只需輸入URL。 

Pro選項可讓您根據需要創建任意數量的參考書目。 With the Pro version, you'll also be able to further customize your bibliographies and easily share them, among other things.使用Pro版本,您還可以進一步自定義書目並輕鬆共享。 

  • 價錢: 免費下載(可以選擇以每年49美元的價格升級到Citationsy Pro) 
  • 可用的位置: iOS和Android
  • 年齡範圍: 6年級以上



The days of paper planners may be over.紙張計劃人員的日子可能已經過去。 My Study Life is an online schedule planner that is perfectly designed for the modern-day student.我的學習生活是一款專為現代學生設計的在線日程計劃器。 Once you upload your schedule onto the app, the app syncs your schedule data across all of your technology platforms and notifies you about upcoming assignments, classes, exam dates, and more.將時間表上載到應用程序後,該應用程序將在所有技術平台上同步您的時間表數據,並通知您即將進行的作業,課程,考試日期等。 

  • 價錢: 免費下載
  • 可用的位置: iOS和Android
  • 年齡範圍: 6年級以上


Evernote是一個多功能的筆記記錄平台,可讓您創建有組織的多媒體筆記。 You can type or write down notes and use drawing tools to annotate and illustrate.您可以鍵入或寫下註釋,並使用繪圖工具進行註釋和說明。 The app also lets you download and mark up documents, images, and more.該應用程序還允許您下載並標記文檔,圖像等。 

The most convenient part of the app, though, is that it lets you take notes and record at the same time.該應用程序最方便的部分是,它使您可以同時記錄筆記和進行記錄。 That way, if you're in class, you can pay close attention to your teachers or professors and only worry about jotting down the most important information.這樣,如果您在上課,就可以密切關注老師或教授,而不必擔心寫下最重要的信息。 

While the app's normal functions are free, you can opt to upgrade to Evernote Premium for $7.99 a month.雖然該應用的正常功能是免費的,但您可以選擇以每月10美元的價格升級到Evernote Premium。 The premium option will allow you to sync across all of your devices, get XNUMX GB of uploads per month, and access your notebooks offline.使用高級選項,您可以在所有設備上進行同步,每月獲得XNUMX GB的上傳量,並可以離線訪問筆記本電腦。 

  • 價錢: 免費下載(可選擇以每月7.99美元的價格升級到Evernote Premium)
  • 可用的位置: iOS和Android
  • 年齡範圍: 6年級以上


If you want a free alternative to Evernote, look no further than Microsoft's OneNote.如果您想要Evernote的免費替代品,那就不要錯過Microsoft的OneNote。 Not only does the app allow you to sync notes across devices without forking over a monthly bill, but it also features many of the same luxuries as Evernote.該應用程序不僅可以讓您在設備之間同步筆記,而無需支付每月賬單,它還具有與Evernote一樣的許多奢侈品。 For example, users can easily embed images and documents into notes.例如,用戶可以輕鬆地將圖像和文檔嵌入筆記中。 And, the new virtual pen tool empowers users to handwrite and mark up notes while listening to a lecture.而且,新的虛擬筆工具使用戶可以在聽講座的同時手寫和標記筆記。 

  • 價錢: 免費下載
  • 可用的位置: iOS和Android
  • 年齡範圍: 6年級以上


Due是每日提醒應用程序,可以幫助您始終承擔所有學術和個人責任。 Like you would write them in a planner, you can set daily or weekly reminders in Due.就像您在計劃程序中編寫它們一樣,您可以在Due中設置每日或每週提醒。 The app will alert you before each responsibility so that you don't forget.該應用程序會在每個職責之前提醒您,以免您忘記。 Conveniently, the app can sync across all of your Apple devices and adjusts when you cross time zones.方便地,該應用程序可以跨所有Apple設備同步並在您跨越時區時進行調整。 

  • 價錢: $ 6.99下載
  • 可用的位置: iOS
  • 年齡範圍: 6年級以上




Coursera擁有3,900多種課程的廣泛圖書館,內容涵蓋 Python編程攝影, 音樂, 以及更多。 You can watch lectures and complete assignments at your own pace.您可以按照自己的進度觀看講座並完成作業。 After successfully completing specializations, you may be eligible to receive成功完成專業後,您可能有資格獲得 學位或認證 可以幫助您建立職業生涯。 

  • 價錢: 免費下載(大多數課程均可免費審核)
  • 可用的位置: iOS和Android
  • 年齡範圍: 8年級以上


Learning a new language is no simple task, but Duolingo makes it easier than ever before.學習新語言並不是一件容易的事,但Duolingo使其比以往任何時候都更容易。 The app has more than 35 languages to choose from and makes language learning fun by incorporating interactive activities and games.該應用程序提供超過XNUMX種語言供您選擇,並且通過結合互動活動和遊戲使語言學習變得有趣。 

After creating a profile, you can opt to start fresh or take a placement test to determine what lessons you should start with.創建個人資料後,您可以選擇重新開始學習或參加分級測試以確定應該從哪些課程開始。 Although the app doesn't currently allow users to pick specific lesson plans, Duolingo can serve as a great supplement to your classroom learning.儘管該應用當前不允許用戶選擇特定的課程計劃,但Duolingo可以作為您課堂學習的重要補充。 


  • 價錢: 免費下載(可以每月6.99美元的價格升級到Duolingo Plus)
  • 可用的位置: iOS和Android
  • 年齡範圍: 6年級以上


Sololearn是任何當前或有抱負的編碼人員的完美應用程序。 Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned coder, you can benefit from Sololearn's extensive library of coding tutorials and assignments in the languages of Java, JavaScript, Python, Swift, PHP, HTML, CSS, and more.無論您是初學者還是經驗豐富的編碼人員,您都可以從Sololearn廣泛的編碼教程和作業庫中受益,這些語言包括Java,JavaScript,Python,Swift,PHP,HTML,CSS等語言。

The app breaks down complex coding topics into digestible chunks.該應用程序將復雜的編碼主題分解為可消化的塊。 Whether you want to learn how to code for fun or are interested in making a career out of it, Sololearn is a great app to download.無論您是想學習如何編寫有趣的代碼,還是想從事一項有趣的職業,Sololearn都是一個不錯的下載應用程序。 

該應用程序的標準功能是完全免費的。 但是,如果您想升級到Sololearn PRO,則可以訪問有關您的活動和進度的個性化見解,可以查看誰在查看您的個人資料,查看誰在附近使用該應用,而不必再查看廣告。其他事情。 

  • 價錢: 免費下載(可以選擇以每月6.99美元的價格升級到Sololearn PRO)
  • 可用的位置: iOS和Android
  • 年齡範圍: 7年級以上


School isn't always easy.上學並不總是那麼容易。 But, there really is an app for everything.但是,確實有適用於一切的應用程序。 Whether you're looking to boost your grades, improve your organizational skills, become a better note-taker, or learn something new, there's an app that can help.無論您是想提高自己的成績,提高組織技能,成為一名更好的記筆記者還是學習新知識,都有一個應用程序可以為您提供幫助。 Download away!下載吧!

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